Friday, March 22, 2013

Piscine S: Stage

Shot taken in an abandoned swimming pool somewhere in Belgium.

On the floor above the swimming pool there was also a stage used probably for theatrical representation but also for projecting movies. This is a view of the stage that is located on the second floor above th swimming pool.

Full set on my deviantart account:

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Urbex Tips: Equipement

Et voilà, mon premier post en français, j'ai décidé de traduire les articles que je fais en français parce que je sais que des personnes parlant français lisent ce blog. Je ne traduirai que les articles « textes », les articles concernant mes photos ne seront pas traduits, vu qu'il n'y a pratiquement pas de texte et que ce qui compte, c'est l'image, bref...

Donc, j'ai récemment reçu sur mon compte Tumblr et Deviantart des messages concernant ma technique photographique ou des questions concernant l'urbex en général. J'ai donc décidé de faire une série d'articles portant chaque fois sur un sujet défini, histoire de rassembler un peu mes réponses à un endroit. Le sujet du premier article de cette série est : l'équipement.

Urbex Tips: Equipment

Recently, I've received some messages on my Tumblr and Deviantart account asking me some tips about urbex. Questions about photographic techniques, how I enter building, and so on, so I thought about making a serie of posts with tips about urbexing. As I'm french speaking, I'll also add the french translation of the article. First post in this serie of tips is Equipment.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Centrale IM: Cooling Tower

Abandoned Powerplant's cooling tower somewhere in Belgium.
So, this is the famous cooling tower of the Centrale IM to which I still haven't found the entrance, but at least the cooling tower was a very nice place to take pictures !

Full set on my deviantart account:

Friday, March 8, 2013

Charbonnage du Hasard: stairs

Abandoned coal mine somewhere in Belgium.
I usually don't do much black and white pictures, not that I don't like it, but because I find it really hard to do a great b&w photograph, but I'm quite happy with how this one came out !

Full set on my deviantart account:

Friday, March 1, 2013
